Guided Hike 11/4
Cost | $15 per person
Time & Location | 6:30am-7:30am, meet in resort’s main lobby
Description | Explore and learn about the surrounding desert landscape with an easy to moderate guided hike along the trails located around the resort, throughout the Phoenix Mountain Preserve. This activity includes a piece of whole fruit or granola bar and a bottled water. Advance reservations are required.
How to Sign Up | Advance reservations required & must be made by or before 6:30pm on Friday (the evening before)
Sign Up Here choose “View Activities” & select a Saturday on the calendar. Call 602-866-7500, ext. 7070 with any questions.
This activity requires reservations be made a minimum of 12-hours in advance of scheduled time. All skill levels welcomed. Appropriate footwear required, such as closed-toed/tennis shoes/sneakers/boots.
Schedule is subject to change and weather permitting.